Nyenpa Ts’h’urva

Nyenpa Ts’h’urva is, in my opinion, the (re) harmonization of body and soul through the invitation to activate their original state, through the laying on of hands. It is an energetic technique in which the practitioner listens to this deep silence, the one that comes from within. When everything stops, where time expands, space. The humble achievement of the Universe in ourselves.
By achieving this quality of silence, the practitioner can meet his client. Open to him, without waiting for anything, without self-will. He listens in neutrality to the consciousness’s that meet. And it “is”. It is about what the customer needs in “the here and now”. The practitioner’s hands become his eyes and he detaches himself from all intellectualization. He stands there, guided by his pure intuition, free from all prejudices. We can also say that the practitioner is guided by the universal vital energy. This energy already exists in us, in everything that lives. The session can increase, wake up, calm down, pamper, comfort … By choosing such a session, you open yourself and welcome all the light of this energy within yourself. Body, mind and soul can be more balanced and calmer. This makes improvements tangible both physically and mentally, but also emotionally and spiritually. Under no circumstances should this practice replace medicine, but may be an addition to it.

Recommended for :

  • In all stressful situations;
  • Support during events that are difficult to get through;
  • At a weakening of the mental state caused by concerns related to everyday life (emotional);
  • With muscle pain;
  • Interest in a soft alternative technique;
  • In case of energy destabilization;

During the session, if you wish, information such as energy and/or physical blockages, from your current and/or ancient history, transgenerational, etc. can manifest and be brought to consciousness. The transmission of cellular memory from generation to generation seems to explain, cyclically, certain misunderstood pains, defenses, reflexes, repetitive postures or unnecessary situations, etc. However, we think we have understood the meaning, “learned the lesson,” we say, and yet …

This therapy requires a real desire for self-discovery. A deep desire to meet as an imperfect Being, perfectly imperfect as we are. It is the reflection of a profound question, of a real life path.


The first session is 70 € (± 1h45)
The following sessions cost 60 € (± 1h15)